
I open a drawer to my (fiction) writing life—
Neglected far too long.
Emboldened by the light. 

I fall in.


My natural state is writing. 

I find my footing 
In familiar scenes,
The ache of recognition,
A flash of emotion,
When intention translates
And holds up over time.  

I smooth the worn edges
Of my writing rituals, 
Listen to voices rising
From darkened corner
(My characters’ and my own).
I appreciate the weight in my hands (and my heart).

I open my mind
To the possibility—
This writing life could be my life. 
Please visit Two Writing Teachers Blog to learn more about the Slice of Life Challenge, which takes place every day in the month of March plus every Tuesday across the year. New slicers are always welcome!


  1. Rebecca Atwood

    Just yesterday I was looking at some of my old works of fiction. The “ache of recognition” is all too real. I hope that you the words flow freely as you open yourself up to these characters again!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Morgan

    I can feel how heavy you feel as you pull open the drawer and how – many moments later – you reconnect and find relief. It sounds like you are in a great place, sitting among familiar pages with their familiar characters. So glad they have you back!

    Liked by 1 person

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